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McAMOS Technology Corp. Headquarters
Company Information
McAMOS Technologyis a professional software protection technology development company. After several years of hard research and development, that combined Chinese and German experts, and also a large monetary outlay, we have successfully introduced the data protection technology that was originally applied in the West Germanan bank industry, into an information industry for protecting software especially developed by software design companies.McAMOS Technology has successfully help many software design companies to introduce the software protection concept of "Strategical Protection" and "Omnibearing Protection" individually, and improved their original marketing strategy, increasing these companies' business volume by a factor of 2 to 3 times.
We have fixed a position on the market namely being the "Authority of Professional Software Protection"and we offer not only the world's best quality and performance of software protection lock-SmartLock Pro, but have also introduced the concepts of "Strategical Protection" and "Omnibearing Protection" that we always emphasize.
The so-called "Strategical Protection" means that the software protection is adding a protection lock on new products that are developed by software design companies, but the question is, "What is the best way of software protection?". Not every product needs to be protected, while only software not being protected cannot raise its sales volume abruptly. You have to understand the usage, time and purpose of such protection. Therefore, you have to plan a complete and strict "Protection Strategy" during the process of product development, then you can avoid your software being embezzled and copied illegally. To maintain the company's rights and interests with positive intention, you can integrate the concept of "Strategical Protection" with the overall marketing strategy of the company and help to develop the market.
The so-called "Omnibearing Protection" means that the range of software protection is not only the products from a company, but also for all of the information properties circulated through the entire company, such as- customer information, financial data, human resource data, product trade data, storage management data etc. Thanks to information technology, this data, which be protected by specially assigned persons, could be stored and handled by computers in most companies nowadays. But following today's rapid development of network systems, important company information usually circulates through the company without any limitations. This kind of situation could make this information be taken out by those , who with their own selfish purposes, by only using several disks. Managements usually neglect these invisible losses and this can cause huge implications and possible damages to the company. McAMOS Technology will provide a series of "software" protection products continually to assist you with well made planning and performance of a company's entire information property.
McAMOS Technology not only insists on the consistent guiding principle of "Customer First" and provides the best products and services, but also upholds the corporate philosophy "McAMOS Technology : Pioneer of Technology". Our purposes are to develop software protection technology continuously and making efforts to take part in maintaining intelligent property rights in society.