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Omka International Company reviews

2 reviews
3776,LM Wolweg 21 Gelderland Stroe Netherlands
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1 Reviews From Our Community

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My dear Story started after I made the order with omka international they replied from [email protected] They requsted meto transfer to their bank in belgium When I made this transaction They request me to stop this transaction as their ware house are out of stock And redirected it to hungery I made it but the transaction was cancelled due unknown causes Once the money was refunded to my account I transfered them on last thursday by the assistance of my wife and accountant to two persons in Germany who represent their company their in germany As they informed me in Germany located their head quarter This is just breif of 38days of communication ..either by phone calls or mails.or whats upp. if you please send me your mail id and i will forward to you all details and communications emails Thanks Best regard