Company Information
A.K.M International Trading Co. Ltd. is one of the best Paints, Printing Inks and Textiles raw materials trading company in Bangladesh. With 12 years of establishment, A.K.M International is a one of the renowned one stop solution provider. Operating all over locations in our country with our experienced, Skilled and professional team, A.K.M International engaged with importing raw materials ,Warehousing and Distribution facility. A.K.M International serves you with all types of raw-materials that are used in Paints, Printing Inks and Textiles segment. A.K.M International is one of the leading industrial ingredient distribution house in Bangladesh.Our Products-
Aluminium paste Leafing, Aluminium Paste Non-Leafing, Aluminium Paste Sparking, Aluminium Silicate AS881, Barytes Powder, Calcium Octoate, Calcium Acetate, Calcium Carbonate, Carbon Black-printex-v,Calcened kaolin Britex-95 Cations, CC Fine Paste(Blue,Black,Yellow), Ceramic Ball, Chalk Powder, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, Chrome Yellow, Cobalt Octoate, Colanyl, DEG, Dehydred Castor Oil (Monomoric), Disparsant Agent DMA-45, Emulsion, Fenulic Resin, Flexonyl Blue, Fused Calcium Chloride, Gilsonite Selects, Glass Bead, Glycerine, Gypsum Plaster, Iso propylene (Sasol), Kaolin Akima-45, Lead Octoate,Linseed Stand Oil, Lithium Hydroxide, Lithophone, Middle Yellow, Maleic Anhydride, Manganese Octate, Melamine Resin, Melori Blue, Methyle Isobutyl ketone, Monopropylene Glycol,N-Butanol, N Butyle Acetate, Red Oxide, Rethol Red, Robin Blue, Rank Additives, Snobrite C8K (Kaolin Clay), Short Oil Resin, Silicon KP-310, Silicon Oil, Sodium Hexamita Phosphate, Sodium Penta Chlorophenate,Soyalicithin, Stearic Acetate, Suda Color Red, Sapcosetnill, Talcom Powder, Titanium CR-828, Titanium HA-100, Titanium NTR-606, Triphenyl Phosphate, Tylose, Octanol/ 2ethyl Hexanol, Opaque Polymer Hique,Pentaerythritol, Petrosin(Ningbo,Zibo,Radish,GA-115B), Phthalic Anhydride, Phthalocyanine, Violet Toner, Violet 3, Viscogel (S4,B4), Zinc Chrome, Zinc Dust, Zinc Octoate, Zinc Phosphate, Zinc Tetroxy, Zirconium.
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Office:+88-93-44-285, +88-93-46-621
Email: [email protected]