Company Information
Export/Import and International Project FinancingWe help you find financing for exports
when you buy USA made products, machinery,
equipment, goods and services.
No problem if you are buying from another exporter or manufacturer we still can help you.
Also, we can help you find capital to finance
private and public projects for your
Corporation, Small Business or Government
(Federal, State or Municipalities)
in developing countries and emerging markets.
Contact us today and we will be happy to help you find the best financing arrangement to maximize your business growth and profits.
We respond only to people who fully identify themselves: Name, Company, Real address (no PO Box), Phone number, email address, etc.
Funding for international buyers and projects we target only for the well qualify people and companies who can demonstrate a good financial track record, strong verifiable references, collateral, etc. At the same time that present sound business plans and opportunities with great possibilities of cash flows, high ROI, and realistic exit strategies.
Honesty, transparency and clear communication are most desireable, productive and the best approach to arrive to funding and closing, generating win-win results for everyone involved.