Company Information
We can supply Iron Ore which have Manganese content in synthesize as following specifications and informations from Iran of our Mine:XRF(Analysis Report):
Fe2O3 = 78/19%(Fe = 54/67%).
MnO = 6/97%(Mn = 5/39%).
Fe Mn = 60/06%.
SO3 = 0/29%(S = 0/116%).
P2O5 = 0/12%(P = 0/05%).
SiO2 = 1/11%.
Al2O3 = 0/03%.
Na2O = 0/01%.
K2O = 0/02%.
MgO = 0/42%.
TiO2 = 0/02%.
CaO = 0/55%.
LOI = 10/94%.
XRD (Analysis Report):
Hematite, Gotite
Best Regards
Amir Shams