3 Reviews From Our Community
Observation for The delivered goods are not what I agreed upon with the supplier( Incomplete Goods )
I emailed Lina directly about products missing and I also instant chatted her on her web site about 10 times and she would never respond. I don't understand why this was an issue because I ordered from her before, but she completely ignored all my emails and chats at this time. I will NEVER order from her again and I hope that this will protect future customers of TradeKey not to be duped by this company. After my experience, I did a search on google for this company name and it is said on fraudwatchers.com that this company is know for doing this with all of it affilliate companies.
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Remark for The delivered goods are not what I agreed upon with the supplier( Wrong Goods )
Payment was made tp PalPay account [email protected]
They sent me tracking number RR929380123cn
which was sent and reciveced a pair of shoe
I paid $300.00usd for a pair of shoe I dont think so
Pal Pay Transfer ID 3YNO9188AM4990617
I have open a case No PP-001-140-446-712 DATE 30-11-2010
They should have sent
Apple Iphone G4 32gb $190 usd
PSP 3 slim 320gb $ 95 usd
plus palpay fee $ 15 usd
This is how they where able to pertent to Pal Pay they sent items
I have attached photos of item sent
Robert Magri
I also lost money when I had to stop payment to Hong Kong Baldin Group Co ltd
these are Trade Key Members And so far
I lost $425.00usd
I asked other members to send me items first because I can prove with all emails and Bank payment that so far I have been scammed 4 times and I only posted all my inquires through Trade Key
I have lost $1525.00usd
I can prove that I am honest and will make payment
BUT no they all wont full payment or 50% all this so that I can be scammed again
So how can I even try to trust any suppliers or member
hk lolibi wholesaler trade Co ltd Has a palpay but are they going to send shoe if I pay them to
Also B&B(HONG KONG) industry Co Ltd
have different contacts with Trade Key ID and their Web Page ptoptrade.com
What is happing
I paid them and they get take my money and run
They say trust them Well I have 4 times
Why can they trust me I have paid and can prove this
I asked them to show me proof
that they have many happy customers
All of them say it is a secert
I give Trade Key all the proof that they need that I will make payment to any suppliers
I will aslo agree to send you any payment so that you hold it in trust untill I really get what they said they will send and for what I actually Paid for
Why can not any one controll this for both honest Sellers and Buyers
Your sinceley
Robert Magri
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Response for Other (Provide details in comments section)
1) I ordered 5 ipod nano from seller on 17/11/2010 and paid through paypal, seller provided best customer service at that time, today I received the goods!! A PAIR FAKE TRAINERS!!!!! I can not believe what happened to me? Twice happened in one week???
2)now, I really worried as I paid this seller another item for Iphone, I have not recieved yet!! But I know what will happened!! by the way ,his website is not working anymore at
And the contact [email protected] never replied my emails. All our trading conversation are from his site ,,I had never contacted him from MSN,shame that I can not have any chat history saved!!
Tradekey, please help!! I am ordering these item for my clients as sample, now I have received nothing!! Please help me.
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amwfnai co., ltd Headquarters
Company Information
amwfnai co., ltd is based on China, We have huge variety of quality products. Following are some of the items that we can supply:handbags, wallets , jersey , jewelry , T shirts, caps & hats , sunglasses , jeans , sprot shoes , bikini, Ugg boots , belts, GHD, CHI hair straightners and so on.
We accept paypal.
Please let us know your interest. We will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your requirements.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.