Company Information
ARAVALI INFRAPOWER LIMITED (AIPL) an EPC Company with ISO 9001:2000 Certification for its manufacturing facilities is engaged in construction of EHV Transmission Lines, Electric Sub-Stations, Rural Electrification Work and Passive Infrastructures for Telecom Industry. The company has made following acquisitions as going concerns:-1) M/s. Pioneer Construction Company :- It is engaged in construction / execution of High Voltage Transmission Lines upto 400 KV for the last 25 years for PGCIL, State Electricity Boards of U.P., Bihar & West Bengal; DVC, Railways etc.
2) M/s. Techno Engineering Company :- It is engaged in designing and manufacturing of Transmission Line Towers and Sub - Station Structures upto 400 KV for the last 25 years and is a approved vendor of Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd. for Sub – Station Structures.
3) M/s. Parekh Electrawire Industries Ltd. :- It is engaged in the business of
manufacturing power conductors from year 1973. It was mainly catering to the
requirements of Gujarat Electricity Board and Maharashtra Electricity Board. Its
factory is located on Vaso Alindra Road, approximately 20 KM from Nadiad town
in Gujarat.
The company has emerged as a fully Integrated player in Power Transmission & Telecom Infrastructure sectors having following strengths:-
Extensive experience and strong track record for the construction of Transmission Lines:
We have experience, established track record and reputation for efficient project management, execution and timely completion of projects for nearly two decades in the sector. We believe that our expertise in successful and timely implementation of projects provides us with significant competitive advantages. Further this enables us to place ourselves to deal with construction or implementation risk. We believe, we have good working relationships with sub-contractors across our various service regions. Such relationships fac