Biswash Holdings Headquarters
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Biswash Holdings has it’s wide range of Ready Made Garments, Home Textiles, fresh vegetables, Nakshikantha and craft products in Bangladesh and overseas. These products are designed by our own trained persons. The demand of Bangladeshi Ready Made Garments, Home Textiles, Handicrafts, fresh vegetables and Nakshikantha is everlasting of the world. Mission & Vision: We enjoy in-house facilities for the designing, sales, assembly and distribution of our products throughout the world. Strives to be the leading handicrafts exporter of the country by expanding its market internationally and locally and thus, extends support to the distressed artisan families for their socio-economic well beings. Works with the rural artisans in order to foster their economic growth, build their capacity and confidence to advance their empowerment; and to promote their artisanship through paving their way towards access to finance and market.