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blue yabby australia Headquarters
Company Information
Native Australian Ornamental Crayfish
Blue Yabby Australia is a Freshwater Crayfish farm in the South West of Western Australia. We specializes in native Australian fauna for ornamental display in aquariums all over the world. All specimens are farmed on our 3000 acre property, hand selected and graded according to colour density, texture and size to achieve the highest quality ornamental fish.
We specialize in the following species,
- Cherax Glaber (Koonac)
- Cherax Preissii (Koonac)
- Cherax Cainii (Marron)
- Cherax Destructor (Yabby)
- Galaxiella nigrostriata (Black-stripe Minnow)
- Cherax Albidus (Yabby)
- Cherax Quinquecarinatus (Red Claw)
- Nannoperca vittata (Pygmy Perch) - Cherax Quadricarinatus (Gilgie)