Company Information
Since I started my photography business in Tustin, Orange County about seven years ago I have struggled with my "About Me" page. Who doesn’t struggle with that?! It’s hard to talk about yourself, right?I’ve had several different bios through the years and my last one I really thought was fantastic…. but I just deleted the whole thing because it wasn’t really about ME. It was about my photography… and the truth is - if you want to know about my photography style, look at my images. You can see it all over the place! My bio should be about who I am… right? I think so anyway.
So here are some things about little ‘ol me:
I am the girl who has dreamt of her wedding day since she was 10 years old… maybe even younger. I remember countless occasions sitting on the floor in my best friends room drawing our wedding dresses and talking about our future husbands. I played barbies and while I had a phase in life where I HATED pink and I HATED dresses… it was very short lived. I love dresses, shoes, purses AND PINK!
I am ever the optimist. I try to see the bright side in every situation and am perpetually happy all of the time… especially when I’m shooting a wedding surrounded by stressed out people. I smile and say "That’s ok! We have time. Let’s keep moving." Even if we only have 5 minutes to do a 30 minute segment because someone (not me…ever) was late.
I am a dog lover. I have a pitbull named Shylo who I talk to all day and who I swear understands me. I also definitely have an unhealthy addiction to "Ceasar 911" and just bought his newest "Pack Leader Collar".
I enjoy eating healthy and working out on a regular basis (even though I grumble all morning during the 20 minute process of getting out of bed… a morning person I am NOT!)
I talk really fast when I get excited, and I also work really fast. I joke that I only have two speeds - Fast and stop… and it’s really not so much a joke as it is actually the honest truth. So don’t be afraid to tell me to slow down a bit… I