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Canteria CIM Headquarters
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Black Marble Calatorao. Their excellent degree of crystallization and color make it a polished stone that supports an intense black color that gives the prestigious name of the black Calatorao marble.The developments methods evolution, as the same treatment and development of our stone, have made Cantera CIM, SL has a highly qualified team, equipped with the latest technology, a fact, which has served to provide a high quality in our products.
Cantera CIM has a surface mining of 79,471 m2. and reserves of stone estimated 1,600,000 m3. This gives us a guarantee of mineral resources for any kind of work.
Cantera CIM has implemented the quality standard ISO 9001, CE marking product and obtaining the mark PIEDRA NATURAL being a natural stone referent.
We make any product in our stone (boards, tiles, paving stones, curbs, street furniture, Ironwork, Special, etc) with the implementation of our extensive range of finishes (Aserrado, Abujardado, Apomazado, Pulido, Envejecidos, Flameados, Rusticos).
Always adapt to the needs of the works, meeting the construction, rehabilitation and decoration.
Our 50 years of work makes us a market position, recognized by builders, architects and decorators are guaranteed and our quality marble.