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Carizen Headquarters
Company Information
Greetings.I take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We, Carizen Software (P) Limited (CSPL) are developers and sellers of Intranet Software for Enterprise applications of Messaging, Security & Workflow.It is combined with Services and Prompt Support.
Our flagship product is Rainmail Intranet Server. Which Offers...
* Mail Server
* VPN Server
* Groupware
* Chat Server
* Fax Server
* Proxy Server
* Anti Virus Scanner (for SMTP/ POP3 /HTTP)
* File Server
* Dial-in Server
* Anit Spam Control Severl(Based On Email Ids/ Domains /DNS /IP Black Lists)
* Web Server
* FireWall Server
* Bandwidth Manager
The best part of above services is ...
1. You can avail all the modules as a package or you can go modulewise.
2. As a user you don't need to change in your existing setup and no need to learn commands of Linux.
3. While installing above services your network is not at all disturbed.
4. All the services are scalable, can be added as per requirement and also runs with existing services from other vendors*.
5. Generally runs on Simple Computer and no need to buy any high end server.
6. Cost Effective.
7. 24x7 Support by Phone, Personal, Mail & SRTS
8. Robust & Secure services.
Some of the clients enjoying the software and our services.
1. Defence Units / Central Govt organizations include National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT) Chennai, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), DRDO Labs across India, TCIL etc.
2. Bajaj Capital
3. BTI Sita
4. Ion Exchange
5. Tamilnadu Police Dept.
6. Excel Industries and many more.
You can avail further information by replying this mail with your postal address or by getting in touch with the undersigned.
We look forward to serve you better like wise we always do.
Somenath Mukherjee
For, Carizen Software P Limited
707/56, EROS Apartments,
Nehru Place, New Delhi.
Mobile : 93 13362929
T : +91 11 2623 9633 / 34 / 35