2 Reviews From Our Community
Critique for Purchase ~ 8gb iphones
Dear Sir or Madam:
As you are aware I filed a fraud/scam alert for this company. I was advised to begin the process by rating this company and explaining the situation at length.
On or about March 17, 2007, this seller and I began negiotations regarding the purchase of iphones. On March 19, 2007 we came to an agreement that I would purchase (3) 8gb iphones for $1,046.00 usd.An invoice was e-mailed to me on March 20, 2007. On March 21, 2006 the following information was e-mailed to Andy ~order GL-W9985932 has been paid for by Western Union ~ MTCN: 874-270-7971
Sender: Dedra Tidemann Horn (they spelled my name wrong)
Total sent: $1,046.00 usd. The information was not completed correctly by Western Union, therefore, they requested that I correct. Which I did. Andy provided me with a tracking # on March 23. I received a pair of Nike Shox shoes. This seller said that he would look into the matter ASAP. On April 2, 2007, they acknowledge that they did not know what they sent and wanted me to incur additional expense in shipping the shoes back.
I have attached a few e-mails; however, I have more evidence of the above but the system will not allow me to provide. Please let me know how I can provide your office with the additional information, ie invoice, pictures of package, EMS receipt, proof of payment, etc. This seller has not and will not return my funds and this, in my opinion is fraud/scam. I want a complete refund ASAP. Sent by Western Union.
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SCAMMERS The Take Your Money And Send You A Peice Of Shit. I Will Send Proof On Request
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