Company Information
China Mettallurgical Import and ExportCompany(cmiec)
Company Address:338, Yingeze
Avenue Taiyuan Shanxi, China
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am Mr. Chow Lee , Vice President of China
mettallurgical import and export company. we are a
group of business men who deal on Raw Materials and My
company was established in 2008 we export raw
materials such as non-metallic minerals such as
Calcite, Barytes, Manganese Dioxide , Dolomite Mica
China Clay , Mangnese Dioxide , Ferrous (Iron ) Oxide .
The various industries we cater to are Paints, Rubber,
Plastics, Construction chemicals.My sales varies from
defferent sizes.we export them into Canada, europe and
America. We are searching for representatives who can
help us establish a medium of getting to our costumers
in Canada, Europe and America as well as making
payments through you to us and earn 10% of every
payment made through you to us.Subject to your
satisfaction you will be given the opportunity to
negotiate your mode of which we will pay for your
services as our representative.If you are
interested, please fill in the blank spaces below:
1.Your Full Names..................................
2.Your Full Contact Address.................
4.Your Phone/Fax Numbers............................
And I will prefer you reach me on my private email address below:
(*****) and finally after that I shall provide you
with more details of this operation.
I await your prompt response.
Vice President
Chow Lee.