Company Information
We are Dadson Holdings based in Noida , India. We are member of since April, 2008. Our business is related to Minerals & Metallurgy industry and we specifically deal in . Please find our product details below:Sell hms1, 2 and used rail large qty order upto 600k mt x12 pm
We are sourcing consulting company based in India, deal mainly with all type ferrous scrap and serve many clients world over .some of our seller/supplier compsny/scrap yard owner can supply any small one container or large qty order up to 600000 mt x12 from europe/america/ghana.
Rate vary from $275 pmt to $390 for large qty and $450 to $650 pmt cif for small qty depending supplier and qty.
Rate from Ghana $252 pmt cif.
Interested buyer pl write /contact
Dadson Holdings
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