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Diasen Headquarters
Company Information
Diasen is an international company which has been designing and developing for 25 years products to insulate, waterproof and restore any kind of surface area.Diasen products, characterized by a elevated technological content and oriented to the radical reduction of the probability of error by the applicator, pursue a research and production policy oriented to the respect of the environment.
Diasen mission is to assist designers, companies and distributors, offering intervention methods designed to solve individual problems and meet the particular needs of each building site, from the design phase to that of laying.
The excellence of technical service, the continuous quality control of raw materials and products, the growing investments dedicated to R&D, together with the guarantee of quality certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001, have allowed Diasen solutions to be used in important projects both nationally and internationally, asserting the company's success increasingly present on the international scene of modern construction.