Company Information
We, M/s. Didwania Sales Corporation, take this opportunity to introduce ourselvesas a service provider for all electrical segments all across India, to our long time customers
bringing them up to date technologies with changes that have shaped through the years. If you
are a prospective customer evaluating our firm for the first time, then, we offer a word about
our firm's history, current nature of operation, and services we presently render. We have been
in this field since last ten years and providing services through DSC from the past one year.
Today, Didwania Sales Corporation represents the best National and International
Brands in Cables including EHV Cables, Cable Jointing Kits, Cable Glands, Lighting Luminaries,
Electric Motors and Pumps, Cable Tray, Air Circulator, Heavy Duty Exhaust Fans, Switchgears.