1 Reviews From Our Community
Review for being distributor in Faisalabad Pakistan my experience with Econokit France is excellent.
Since our relationship with Econokit is through sole Agents in Pakistan M/s G R Mirza financial dealings route through them is excellent. Product , service support , delivery , packing etc are wonderfull.
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ECONOKIT Headquarters
Company Information
Ubiquity is a French company which guarantees the exclusive promotion and distribution of all Econokit products throughout the world.The Econokit is a revolutionary and ingenious patented invention. This technological innovation meets today’s economical and ecological expectations of all citizens around the world.
Econokit and eco-citizenship
We are proud at Ubiquity to have the chance today to participate actively in eco-citizenship. Becoming an eco-citizen, is of major global concern, and implies correcting past mistakes while adopting a respectful attitude towards the environment, as much in one’s leisure activities as in one’s daily life. This technological innovation enables our society, through each one of us, to be more respectful of our environment by economizing fuel.
The Econokit contributes to the respect of our future life on this planet while economizing money, with its action for the environment and its large number of installations. These two advantages make the Econokit a unique product! A real revolution! In general, becoming an eco-citizen is not done without financial investment or adjusting one’s lifestyle. However, with the Econokit, not only is the user not forced to make changes to his way of life but the process also allows him to make substantial savings. The Econokit is a clean system which functions with renewable energies, which are inexhaustible, such as the rainwater in its reactor.
Ubiquity offers easy access to the Econokit, so that everyone can acquire it and install it himself. We have a network of distributors, around the world, and we have optimized production costs so that the advantages of the product are both immediate and efficient.