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Company Information
We are a growing company in the field of mechanical services. Our main area of expertise in the industries includes fabrication, erection, machinery installation preservation (grit blasting, painting and cladding). Currently we are working in SEPCO III power plant. Our valued clients include Yamaha, Gatron, Novatex, Euro cool, IFI Foods and Meraj Engineering.In marine sector we design, make and repair ships, submarines and other related structures particularly hull, structure and piping. We are known as one of most skilled company in Pakistan after Shipyard ans Dockyard. We have also worked on engines and electrical systems of ships. Our most recent project is design, construction, trials and training of first river craft for Inland Water Transport Development Company under Govt of Punjab, which we have successfully completed.
Valuable companies affiliated with us include EPESOL (EPESOL.com), Enerzone pakistan, ADAMs (Advance Materials) and Rana Brothers.
Our management staff consists of qualified engineers and experienced technical staff in the field of design, planning, execution, QAQC and project monitoring.