Company Information
Established on February 2013 in Hong Kong.
Started with entertainment management for TV shopping and consulting business for the Japanese cosmetic
market, and brand launching business.
Launched and distributed own fashion accessory brand in Japan; all products were sold through the Japan TV
shopping channel under the own brand name Flordia.
Developed new cosmetic brand Viebrillant and its product series esprina from the end of 2013.
- �ThefirstproductsofViebrillantesprinawerelaunchedinDecember2014.
- �All Viebrillant products were sold through the Japan 24hour live TV shopping channel under own brand
name of Viebrillant esprina.
- �Now Viebrillant esprina has launched more than 8 items on the Japan 24hour live TV shopping channel.
- �Sincetheendof2015,FiveWingNetworkLimitedhasmainlyfocusedonthecosmeticbusiness.
- �AllproductsaremanufacturedinKoreanfactories,andexportedtoJapanandothercountries.