1 Reviews From Our Community
Remark for Rosetta stone Spanish LA
I buy 10 sets of spanish la and paid via paypal.Everything is ok. Good+work as description seller help me about installation guide.It work very well. will buy again soon,Thank.
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fluenzsoftware Headquarters
Company Information
Our Price list included shipping.1-4 packages $89.00
5-9 packages $75.00
10-19 packages $65.00
more than 20 packages $59.00
Listing of All language and level I have.
Version3(update to 3.2);
1. Spanish Spain V.3 level 1-3
2. Spanish(LA) V.3 level 1-3 +Audio Companion
3. Italian V.3 level 1-3
4. German V.3 level 1-3
5. Russian V.3 level 1-3
5. English V.3 level 1-2
6. Arabic V.3 level 1-3+Audio Companion
7. Portuguese V.3 level 1-3 +Audio Companion
8. French V.3 level 1-3
9. Japanese V.3 level 1-3
10. Chinese V.3 level 1-3+Audio Companion
NEW! 11. Hebrew V.3 level 1-2
NEW! 12. Irish V.3 level1
Version 2;
1. Chinese V.2 level 1-2
2. Japanese V.2 level 1-2
3. Dutch V.2 level 1-2
4. French V.2 level 1-2
4. Latin V.2 level 1
5. Greek V.2 level 1
6. Turkish V.2 level 1
8. Thai level1 (only unit 1-4)
9. Korean V.2 level 1
Rosetta Stone : with Serial Patch Full version 100% in CD-ROM(DVD-R)
*can be activated and update with rosetta stone
*Can run on both Windows and Mac
*can study all level , no stuck guarantee
*Full Version 100%
!!!Free Shipping Worldwide!!!
Package included
1. Rosetta Stone Application+update+path
2. Rosetta Stone language pack Full Version100%
3. Special program to get full version work as original.
4. Rosetta Stone User Guide &Quick Start Guides and Headset Setup Guides in English(pdf file)
5. Rosetta Stone language Course Contents(pdf file)
6. All 1-5 included in DVD-R+CD-R (Copy in CD and DVD with CD case and cover, no box)
7. Free Worldwide Shipping!!!
8. Email:lovelyporch at hotmail dot com
Shipping and Handling
Payment Options
-Paypal safety with buyer protection. My account is premier verified.
-Western Union.
*** you can read my past feedback at www dot ioffer dot com/ratings/lovelporch***