Company Information
Genper Mining Industry & Trade Co. LTD is a group company of Genper Expanded Perlite Industry Trade Ltd. which was established in 1980 based in Istanbul, Turkey. The company began its activities by manufacturing expanded perlite for several industries such as filter aids, cryogenic, construction, agriculture, textile etc. Over the years Genper has become a well - known market leader by offering high quality products at competitive price. Production capacity is over 10000 tonnes yearly. Additionally the company provides the service for making the insulation jobs in the Natural Gas, Oxygen, Nitrate tanks worldwide by CE certified 12 mobile furnaces.Genper Mining Industry is a manufacturer & exporter of raw perlite and the main business of the company is to extract perlite ore from its licensed areas in Kutahya city which is in the region of inner west part of the country.
Perlite ore from Genper’s sources has high expansion rate as well as it expands at low tempereture by having several suchlike advantages our products have a wide range of usage areas in different grades (e.g. Construction, Insulation, Horticulture, Foundry, Crgyogenic, Glass & Ceramic)
The importance of perlite ore processing facility is to be the biggest investment of Genper Group and the capacity of raw perlite production is about 200000 tonnes annually.
Our company goal is to meet with our customer’s expectations with our innovative company principle also to produce environmental friendly, clean and healthy products as a result of our social responsibilities.
Name of Product : ORE PERLITE
Size of Product :(0.15-0, 60 ) (0, 60-1, 20) (1, 20-2, 40 ) (1-2, 80)(0, 074 -0, 40 ) )(0, 074 -0, 60 ) (0, 85 -2, 36)mm
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