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We are a NGO situated in the Peruvian Amazonian Rainforest, whose aim is the preservation of the Amazonian Rainforest. One of our programs is sustainable agriculture to give the local population alternative incomes instead of cutting and selling trees and wood. The strongest component of our agriculture program is the new SuperFood from South America - the healthy Sacha Inchi nut - also known as the powerful Inka Nut. This nut has the highest concentration of Omega 3, 6 and 9 unsaturated fatty acids which are esential for the human body.In our own fabric we are processing the raw Sacha Inchi nuts. We produce
1. roasted Sacha Inchi nuts who can be used for Snacks (also together with dried fruits), for chocolates (instead of other nuts, Almonds, ....=
2. Sacha Inchi flour which is used in bakery products like bread, cakes, cookies, .... The Sacha Inchi flour gives the bakery products more humidity, flavour and taste and is excellent for the human healty.
3. Sacha Inchi roasted nuts covered in chocolate
4 Sacha Inchi sweet roasted nuts
5. Sacha Inchi salted roasted nuts
6. Sacha Inchi spicy roasted nuts
For further information of Sacha Inchi and health see: www.naturalnews.com/038609_sacha _inchi_incas_superfood.html