Home > Consumer Electronics > PDAs > Great Dragon Group International (HK) Limited

Great Dragon Group International (HK) Limited reviews

3 reviews
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2 Reviews From Our Community

Comment for Swindler and thief!!!
This company has cheated us. we have paid money (8000 USD) in January, 2007. This company has not delivered and the company has not paid back the money. Please, you are careful. It concerns, on this occasion, a swindler. We have informed China embassy in Germany / Munich. Also the quality them this company delivers is absolutely bad. Complaints are not recognized{accepted}. By the first delivery product{commodity} to the value of 4000 USD has been absent. For information I help with pleasure: [email protected] We are a serious German trading venture. We want to have nothing more to do with such companies!!!! We want to go back only our money. Now, therefore, we will also take other ways and connect the police! We have many contacts with companies in the USA and Europe also from this company have been cheated...

View for Phones
I sand this company money,but they SAND ME NO PHONES!!!!Good for me that i sand it only 100 dolar.I am waiting 3 monts and thay say to me that this phone is out of stock!!!Be carefull!!!!
HuInTems Inc.
20 reviews