8 Reviews From Our Community
Evaluation for scam
do not even have the goods.
as soon as they receive the money they lose contact with the buyer
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Observation for failed to return money
They promised they would take their product back and they did not.
Please send information on the retunring of these goods and refunding my money.
I want to return them as you promised. I HAVE TRIED MANY TIMES TO CONATCT YOU.
Thank you for your time
-----Original Message-----
From: Sunny <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 1:01 pm
Subject: Please: moe info
you want 5 pcs of ipod? these ipods are authentic and if you found some problem after you got your goods.we can return within 30days.we also accept bank transfer.when you are ready to order and pay. please contact me,
Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN): 7111521778
Date of Order: 03/27/2008
Amount Sent: $560.00
Receiver Name: NINGMEI LIU
Status: Picked Up
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Response for best service
Hello ellen,Just wanted to say thank you for sending out all the shoes in excellent condition. Also, thank you for sending me the smaller nike boxes,i will order more later .
I will reply tradekey and tell them best service
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Report for best service
I have received the shoes today, thank you very much for being so honest, and thank you for the good customer service and quick delivery.
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Remark for supplier is not reliable
i had a recent transaction with this supplier for an Iphone..
they did not send me the correct product, and when i requested a replacment.. they would not honor.. very
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Review for Very Bad Business practices
Ordered five days before Chinese holiday and did'nt get shipped in time. Got numerous e-mails stating it would'nt be a problem, got a invoice of order and live chatted. After the money was sent 734.00us everything went sour. Not in stock, the holiday and they still have ship before holidays on their site www.usnike.com. I dealt with ellen
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Opinion for Counterfeit Products
This company distributes counterfeit products under the guise of wholesale.
Orders are very likely to be seized by US Customs, and buyers will lose their money, and/or face Federal penalties.
Knock-Off Products Include: Shoes, Clothing, Jewelry, Watches, and Electronic Equipment.
This business also operates under the alias, www.sellapparel.net
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Report for terrible dont trust company
i have been defrauded,i dont whther this company actually has posession of any electronics or not but they certainly didn`t send any to me after paying $800!!!!
this is disgusting. and they are not willing to listen saying it is out of there hand but the truth is they have not sent me anything and still have my money alot of my money!
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