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HISSCO Headquarters
Company Information
Hissco (Pty) Ltd specialises in the supply of a wide range of 'security' detection products. These include metal detectors, explosive trace detection and x-ray equipment. The company represents three InternZational Manufacturers for its products. These include L-3 Security and Detection Systems for x-ray; Ceia for metal detectors and Thermo for explosive/ trace equipment. All of the products sold are leading brand names throughout the world.We have been operating since 2002 and provide both sales and maintenance services to Governmental, Parastatel and commercial institutions. The business is managed by a former Managing Director of the x-ray manufacturer and all sysytems are based upon the Internationally recognised BVQI quality management system.
Hissco provides great products at competitive prices with unparalleled maintenance support. The company also carries a significant stock holding of R6 m at any one time allowing for speedy repairs of equipment. It is for this reason that L-3 Security and Detection Systems regard Hissco as their
"Centre of Excellence" for Africa. We provide a 12 month warranty on all new equipment and a 6 month warranty on serviceable parts.
Hissco prides itself on service excellence and customer care, an example of one our loyal patrons is Airports Company South Africa.
We will go the extra length to service any of your needs!