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HK Livison Electronics Technology Co., Ltd. reviews

1 reviews
RM3022, Nan Guang Jie Jia Building, 3037 Shennan Road, Futian District Guangdong Shenzhen China
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1 Reviews From Our Community

Observation for Dobby
From last Feb.,i have exchanged by mail with \\\"Dobby\\\". But ther are some questions in mailing with him or her?. 1. www.livison.net If this is your H/P, it does not match his/her tel number etc. 2. As perThe exact spec for ULQ2003D1013TR,ST, I requested,he/she does not fully explain a difference his ULN2003A of TI at all till now. 3. We have mailed his [email protected]. ID of 梁 or �? 4. I\\\'d like to know his/her real appearance. Now we are working a business with a big customer and so need to know his/her information not to fail it. i.e. his/her position, what dept.? and so on. Kindly revert back your comments immediately. Thanks for your support in advance. SH Lim C-cubee Corp. Tel:82-70-8769-5540 Fax:82-51-329-7575 email:master.ccubee.co.kr