Company Information
Royal Group is a group of companies which have been acting indifferent sectors for several years. Royal Group is the umbrella
STEEL. Company started its activity as Belenler at 1975 by general
trade. By the years it expanded their activities in different sectors.
In 1995 company started to steel trade, by 2014 tecnology and 2015
food&international trade. With all these experiences we established
an umbrella company as Royal Group especially for international
We as ROYAL GROUP have been making food trade from end to
end by reflecting the 43 years trade experience to the food sector.
With all the functions being solved in house (production,
sales&marketting, transportation) the turn key management of the
project is quite successful. Thus ROYAL GROUP leads the
competition in terms of product quality.
With all this experience, ROYAL GROUP is very successful in
production, sales&marketing and compete in the market
successfully with global players.
Royal Group makes its powder food and patisserie production in
60.000 m� closed area in İstanbul.
We produce some of our own brands in a factory which has all the
quality certificates located in TekirdaÄŸ. In this production plant we
produce olive oil, sunflower oil, canola oil and corn oil.
We serve domestic and overseas markets with these production
plants. Royal Group exports its powder food, oil and patisserie
products to 23 countries.