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IDMEA Headquarters
Company Information
Industrial Mechanics and Automation Co., Ltd (hereinafter called IDMEA) was established in September 29th, 2008.Established and operated along with difficulties of Vietnamese Industry, IDMEA thoroughly understands that it is difficult for Industrial Plants in Vietnam to seek credible materials suppliers who ensure quality and delivery schedule. IDMEA has been building customers’ trust by efforts to maximize value to customers.
We execute in compliance with Quality Management System according to International standard ISO 9001:2008. Of which:
 - Responsibility for product quality specified in each section and for every members in the Company.
  - Constantly training, improving knowledge and creating opportunity every official, worker in the Company to improve their skills, qualifications and their life, meeting production requirements with higher and higher quality.
 - Regularly investing, renovating equipment, technology and working methods to increase qualification and to improve working coefficient.