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Illuminating Sensual Sensations By Kelly, RN
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Illuminating Sensual Sensations By Kelly, RN Headquarters
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Want an All-Natural product that is GOOD for your skin? This has 17 all-natural ingredients. I am a nursThis will actually penetrate deep into the tissues, not like other skin lotions, that need constant reapplication. I want you to have a spa experience at home. This is for the young, old, healthy & the ill. Singles & couples can benefit. had the moisturizing benefits and intended for couples only. I wanted something "universal", that could work for those of us who choose to be single:), as well as, providing as much benefit as possible.I really don't like to rub lotions on my skin. It takes to much time out of my day:)
So I needed something that did as much as possible for me in 1 application. This has it! Use it as a moisturizer, essential nutrients for the skin, anti-inflammatory to aid in healing & pain(for those aching muscles/joints or arthritis) anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral & anti-fungal properties. So this covers a pretty diverse background. I've used it for healing chapped lips, MINOR skin irritaitons ( I cannot recommend using on open sores), Bug bites, dry cracked feet, elbows & hands. We've used on the entire body and new uses are still coming in. Every ache and pain we've suffered in my family we've been using this as a "universal" cream. You DO NOT have to light the candle to use this! That's what's so universal about it! As a solid, you can dip a small portion out and apply to your hand and begin rubbing in as a body butter or massage oil. OR Light candle & use the warm oil to do massages or just to change the mode of xxxxx available.So I hope you enjoy these products!
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