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JBP KOERA.,Co.Ltd Headquarters
Company Information
About USPlacenta placed in the mother's womb protects an embryo and brings the embryo up to a fetus.This temporary organ given exclusively to the mammalian species through an evolutional process generates various autacoids,which are indispensable to the birth of a life and its up-keep,and also controls the signals of gene information to make new cells.For this reason the placenta is called "Library" of the life information.
"Placenta" = "Great Blessing given to life." The Placenta's effective utilization has been practiced every-where in the world for thousands of years in order to treat various diseases as well as keep up of health and youthfulness of human beings.Now that bio-genome technologies are increasingly advancing,idea of the placenta utilization gradually draws attention to the cutting edge domain of so-called"Gegenerative Medicine".
with a good command of updated scientific techonologies ,JBP (Japan Bio Products Co.,Ltd.),is the world leading company in the area of the Placenta-based products .JBP is furthrer responsible in taking initiative to slove the questions still pending as to the composition and mechanism of the placenta,and for the effective application of various features of placenta in the shpere of medica treatment,health and beauty culture.
Our History
*JBP,Japan Bio Products Co.,Ltd., was established in 1954 as specialized placenta company.We study and manufacture pharmaceutical products and cosmetics based on human placenta extract, and our placenta injection market is about 80%. We have studied human placenta applications for more than 40years and aim to learn more as technology develops.
JBP manufactures and sells the human placenta injection(Laennec) which was approved for cirrhosis treatment in Japan since 1974.JBP's injection was being used widely as a Japanese typical Placenta injection for more than 30years .Over the coures of use there have been no reports of serious negative side effects.
Japan Bio Products, founded in Japan, is presently located at various locations worldwide,marketing a comprehensive range of pharmaceutical and medical devices.Established in 2006, JBP China the main office located in Shanghai has fully entered in the Chinese market.
Since 2011,we are also located in Europe, with main office in Zurich, and sales distributors in several countries.We aim to open locations in many more countries in the years to come.