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JFAM Investments, LLC Headquarters
Company Information
We are JFAM Investments, LLC based in Mansfield , USA. We are member of Tradekey.com since February, 2009. Our business is related to Construction & Real Estate industry and we specifically deal in mtn , cmos , real estate. Please find our product details below:
WebSafety, Protecting Children from Predators
Following is a company here in Dallas that is about to launch this product in Decmber 2009!!! You will have the opportunity to sign up before the launch. Check out my website. *****/JamesLeggs
They have already been on Oprah, CNN and FOX. Take a look and let me know what you think.
FYI: The biggest thing that will spur the growth of this company is it will not allow kids to text and drive. You as the parent can turn it on or off. There are many more features.
WebSafety Plans, These are yearly fees. Add $49.95 to become an affiliate.
1) 1 Cell Phone and 1 Computer - $250
2) 3 Computers - $250
3) 3 Cell Phone - $250
4) 3 Computers and 4 Cell Phones - $450
James E. Leggs
JFAM Investments, LLC / KLI, LLC
Member / CEO
***** Box 402
Mansfield, TX 76063-0402
WebSafety is the most complete child safety and parental control solution you can buy for a computer or a cell phone. When it comes to protecting kids and empowering parents, there is nothing smarter or safer. Period.
What Is WebSafety? A Security Solution.
What Is WebSafety Not? A Spy Service.
So, kids feel protected, not spied on.
Playing the role of 'Big Brother' isn't how WebSafety works.
While parents believe their children won't break the rules, too many do, many times by accident. WebSafety serves as a backup to notify moms and dads of potentially dangerous emergency situations, without resorting to eavesdropping.
Our products contain the world's largest word recognition library: the most comprehensive and advanced database ever compiled, capable of searching more than 9, 000 words, terms and phrases that spell danger for children. whether it's sexting, texting while driving, pornography, or ***** is there to help you protect your children.
Once WebSafety determines a child is in harm's way, it sends an alert to parents via email and/or cell phone, empowering the
Thank you for taking the time to go through our business profile. If there are any question, inquiry or comments, please feel free to contact us.