Company Information
Guangzhou Longcheng (Abbreviated as LC) Electronic Technology Co., Ltd is an entertainment system integrator, providing creative solutions and interactive 5D motion theater devices worldwide. Founded in 2009 and located in the biggest Animation Industry Park, Guangzhou, LC has recruited some of the best tech and engineering talent in the industry to work on its own line of 5D motion theatre. In 2011, LC successfully launched its 3D, 4D, and 5D theatre products consecutively into the marketplace. As a system integrator, LC put 3D visual effect, , 4D theatre hall effects and 5D motion seat effects together to let the viewers be part of the movie and to get attraction adventure of sight, sound, motion and touch with fun and excitement.At LC, technology mixes with innovation, offering you a whole new generation 5D experiences. We are pioneers in China for an interactive technology to take you to the next generation of movie-going experience.
With vast experience and technological capabilities, LC is positioned as one of the leading providers of 5D theater and motion effect seat simulators.
LC is a provider of specialty equipment and related services, and does if required, provide the customized 5D solutions and theater devices. What you can do is just to decide the location and we will then produce all appropriate drawings and documents for the specific architectural and facility features needed for installation and operation of the 5D equipment and systems. Let you get payback soon with delight.