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Kembang Kamonesan Headquarters
Company Information
KEMBANG KAMONESAN is taken from Sundanese term which mean “flower made by unique competence”. It inspired by the city of Bandung as the Flower City. KEMBANG KAMONESAN in our term refers to creative handy craft products that are categorised into DRIED-FLOWER and ARTIFICIAL FLOWER. Based on natural resources they are used as gift, fashion accessories and several decorations.DRIED-FLOWER product comprice of creative products that are made through drying process of the main ingredients flowers and then combining, attaching and layering them with leaves and other natural raw and supporting materials. Meanwhile, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS refers to flowers that is made from other material such as corn leaves, calatea, pacing etc. It is created following drying, bleaching, coloring, patterning and assembling until resembling real flower.
KEMBANG KAMONESAN is full with unique fashion taste and creative design. They include pendants, earrings, rings, bracelets, necklaces, anklets, bangles, waist chains, clothing accessories and so on. Other applications include interior decoration, stationary and specific utilities