We are a company licensed to deal in and trade in ***** introduce ourselves, we are a company that is based in Nairobi and licensed by the Coffee Board of Kenya to export Kenyan Arabica Green Coffee beans all over the world. Kenya is one of the world' top quality coffee origin. We are interested in your enquiry and hence, our response as follows:- 1) The coffee beans after milling, are graded mechanically into various grades which differ in size, weight or shape. Incorporated into the grading system are the colours sorting machines which are capable of separating high quality coffee beans from light and defective ones electronically. Kenyan coffee is separated into the following main grades and described as follows: a) AA= screen size of 7.2 mm - This grade has good size formation of large beans (7.20mm screen). This grade usually fetches a higher price than any other grade. b) AB= screen size of 6.35 mm - This grade is a combination of two grades A and B A-6.80mm screen, B-6.20mm screen. AB is regarded as a representative of the other grades in a conignment and usually there is more coffee of this grade than of other grades in a consignment. It is a popular grade which fetches good prices. c) PB= screen size of 4.75 mm - Round beans which usually grow in a single cherry bean. About 10% of coffee falls in this grade. d) C= screen size of 3.96 mm - Smaller beans than B and most of the thin beans in this grade. e) T= density separated from PB's and C's - The smallest and thinnest bean, most of the beans are in the form of chips. Most of the beans in this grade are broken and faulty. In classification, this grade is always below the other grades. f) TT= density separated from AA's and AB' - This grade is composed of light bean which are raged and are usually separated from all other grades. g) Light Mbuni/Heavy Mbuni (ML/MH) - This is the coffee that has not gone