Company Information
Dear Sir/Madam,I would like to introduce KOSEDAG Mesh Wire Fence Inc. briefly,
Kosedag Company was founded in 1978 as being the first company with term "Mesh Wire and Fence" in its trade name in TURKEY. Trustworthiness, novelty, quality, stability and prestige are the essentials being Kosedag's rightful success in all over the country.
As a founder and leader of the sector, our company has obtained international reputation and quality while monitoring the global developments about the sector.Today, our company, "KOSEDAG", manufactures Galvanized and PVC Coated Mesh Wire, Welded Panel and Wire, Razor Wire (Concertina), Prefabricated Concrete Panel and Post, all models of Gate, Barbed Wire, Hexagonal Wire, Iron and Steel Construction Materials at its own plant and its specialized teams and staff order full service in erecting them all over the world.
Please don't hesite to contact us for any further information.