linshiqiye reviews

11 reviews
zhenghai fujian putian China
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2 Reviews From Our Community

Remark for Fraud
Hello, I ordered goods in value 2100 USD by your web pages. 5pcs Nokia 8800 SHIROCO 1 pc Ipod 30 gb Mac I did my order by chinese seller named FEISHUANG LIN. His email: [email protected] mr.s john Web: Adrress: Add: Meiyuang Road 68, Putian City, FuJian Province.China Company:2008nike industry co.,Ltd The seller FEISHUANG LIN sent me instead of this goods listed above old fake nike shoes in value 50 USD. I want my money back or the goods which I ordered by him. Please let me know what I can do in this moment If he wrote me an email that courier service lost my parcel not him!! He makes excuse that it is not his fault . I think he is lieing. He relieved me of my money 2100 USD. He doesn´t want to give my money back. Please be so kind and write me to my email what can I do now. Thank you very much. Best regards Cenek Maly email:[email protected] adrress: Milady Horakove 29 Praha 7 170 00 Czech republic

Evaluation for Fraud
Question Type: Complaining about fraud, and fake products Name: Michele Masucci E-mail: [email protected] Subject: Fraud Message: Dear Sir, I\'m an italian importer and I am also a member of I would like know email address of Chine Police in Putian. I paid to Mr. Lin Feishuang , owner of the site ( address:Meiyuang Road 68, City,FuJian Province.China) Company:2008nike. industry co.,Ltd) , USD 377,00 by T/T on Bank of China , in Putian (02/01/2007) for 10 items (BANK of China putian branch swift : BKCHCNBJ73C payee: linfeishuang ben’s account: 455231101880175283 ) I nothing received. Only a fake (only one pair shoes)!! The weight of this parcel is 0,91 Kg ( I have enclosed EMS shipping document); the weight of one pair shoes is 0,910 Kg !! I would like know if chinese Police prosecute the fraud. I enclose correspondence with Mr. Feishuang of and photo of single item I received (not ordered by me). I enclose also my definitive order ( 10 items), document of payment by T/T and scan of shipping document of EMS I received with the small parcel (one pair shoes Nike Shox).(I sent all those documents also separately to [email protected] ) Mr. Feishuang excludes all mistake of shipping, but his name is in the black list of: He wrote that I am not honest ! If you ask they will answer that I ( Michele Masucci from Avellino, Italy) and my associate (Nicola D’Addona from Rocca – Rome- Italy) are appreciate and honest customers. I’ m very confident in your intervention with Mr. Feishuang. Best regards But I am happy if Mr. Feushuang will send my goods . I \'m waiting for your reply. Best regards. Michael [email protected]
68 reviews