Company Information
We are a legally constituted team to fully meet the needs of companies in the mining sector, agriculture and industry in the country and internationally. Nuestros negocios est���¡n basados en valores tales como la honestidad, la calidad y la puntualidad. Our business is based on values �¢ï¿½ï¿½�¢ï¿½ï¿½such as honesty, quality and timeliness.MCM SELLERS COMPANY Ltda. nace del sue���±o de Dios para establecer su Prop���³sito. MCM Ltd. COMPANY SELLERS born of God's dream to establish its purpose.
MCM SELLERS COMPANY Ltda. es una empresa que por su posici���³n geogr���¡fica brinda grandes ventajas para sus clientes debido a la diversidad de puertos marÃ��Ã�ÂÂtimos y fluviales por las que se encuentra rodeada, las cuales son determinantes e importantes al momento del recibo y transporte de mercancÃ��Ã�ÂÂa, SELLERS COMPANY MCM Ltd. is a company which by its geographical position offers great benefits to their customers due to the diversity of sea and river ports through which it is surrounded, which are crucial and important at the time of receipt and transportation of goods,
con respecto a este ���ºltimo contamos con la ventaja de tener acuerdos comerciales con los puertos de la regi���³n, esto sirve para realizar una labor m���¡s r���¡pida, eficaz y ante todo muy segura. with respect to the latter we have the advantage of trade agreements with the ports of the region, this serves to do a job quickly, efficiently and above all very safe.
En cuanto al transporte interno de la mercancia y el bodegaje de la misma, contamos con aliados estrat���©gicos que nos llevan a realizar nuestra labor en un tiempo efectivo y ante todo en el acordado. As for the internal transportation of the goods and the storage of the same, we have strategic partners that lead us to perform our work in an effective time and above all in agreement.