Company Information
Description:The Nenuma Cooperative society is Nationally Owned by the farmers and aimed to purchase of organic food products and sells products to nationally and Internationally as well as future on the marketing of the mechanical and technical equipments and as well as design to partnership with advanced or advancing throughout neighboring businesses in the World. More in to community Development is to offer Assisting in building of schools, Aid posts, building of roads, and rural development Bank and in partnership into marketing of Goods and service.
These are also in cooperation of technology exchange and enable mankind to benefit there from. Papua New Guinea is in a process of developing in both spiritually and economically that always living on other resources of the countries in the world wherefore 90% of the population is not yet discovered in terms of development.
I have the land and resources that yet to be excess to the humanity in the world but due to ignorance of the government services provided, is yet too received so I need to have partnership with business to bring in development for exchanges of goods and services in my region.
short term Goals: sales on coffee beans,
vanilla beans, potatoes, avocado fruits,
Oranges, peanuts, purchase of Coffee machines, etc.
Long term goals: Sales on mechanical equipments, computers technically services, website building, Garden equipments, etc.
Well am terested to your business and there fore want to partnership with you to provide services to my country. I am interest in selling your products and you may also sell my products in the website or either ways.
Further discussion to this will be through the confirmation on the email.