Company Information
Our enterprise was established in 1930 and ten years laterbegan manufacturing equipment for the fishery industry. In
1998 the plant became a public stock company "Nizhyn
mechanical factory". At present it is the only company in
Ukraine and in the countries of the former Soviet Union
producing fishmeal and fish oil units, which
proved to be reliable and due to their compact
construction require minimum space and are ready to be
installed in the shortest time onboard fishing boats and in
coastal fish processing factories. All the machinery
equipment is assembled and arranged in a single unit.
Fish waste and less valuable breeds of fish can make up to
50% of the whole catch and that is why their processing
is of great importance.
Fish waste obtained during fish processing is first-class
raw material for fish meal and in this connection the
continuous development of fish meal production is observed
in the world's fishery. Fish meal is used first of all in
farming as a forage additive for fattening poultry, pigs,
sheep and cattle. A very important side product obtained
during fish processing into fish meal is fish oil. Technical
fish oil is used in the following industrial branches: for
producing lubricants, candles, soap, paint, it is used in
farming and tanning industry. Recently, much more fish meal
and cod-liver oil have been used during fish fodder
production. It is connected with the development of fish
farming, especially of sea-fish farming (salmon, trout and
sea-perch farming).
Today the products of our company "Nizhyn Mechanical
Factory" PJSC are known in Ukraine and Russia, in the Baltic
States, the USA, Israel, Canada, Romania, Chile, Mongolia,
Cuba and other countries of the world.
"Nizhyn Mechanical Factory"JSC produces fish processing
machinery of the following types and modification:
RMU-5, RMU-7, RMU-10, RMU-35, RMU-45, RMU-50, RMU-60, RMU-80, RMU-100, RMU-120, RMU-150, RMU-200 for
processing 5, 7, 10, 30, 35, 45, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200 tons
of raw material a day.
We look forward to our beneficial mutual cooperation.
Our contact requisites: e-mail: *****
***** *****
tel. +380972831029