Company Information
30 years in the energy savings and energy consulting businessNU Energy Smart, LLC (NUEIQ), an Enigin Partner, a Company with a formidable development plan backed by an Asset Management Group - it's about people - and the experience they bring to the table.
At NUEIQ we believe that "People are the primary determinant in the success of any business" Most of the original foundation team at NUEIQ have worked together for decades either in; Energy Consulting, A Energy Service Company(ESCO), The Energy Saving, and Electronic Innovative Product Development or Global Marketing Initiatives.
We believe it is vital to give you access to some of the most efficacious energy saving solutions in the marketplace! We are working night and day to develop the best energy saving products and solutions currently available on the world market - some of which can deliver an incredible saving of up to 80%! Using our in-house and field testing facilities we are able to ensure that our solutions really do work. You can therefore be confident you are offering your customers the best technology available from a huge, global portfolio.
Everybody likes the idea of a product or solution that can save up to 40% of their energy costs. But how can you be sure that the savings will be realized? Are your customers willing to take a risk?
We don't think they should have to. So, as part of EnergyMaps we guarantee the savings on the products & solutions installed. That means if we don't deliver on what we have promised, we make up the difference - no questions asked!