OPIChina reviews

1 reviews
Linling Rd Shanghai China
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1 Reviews From Our Community

Rating for order not received
i placed a order and payed for it via PAY PAL on Monday 17/09/2007. The customer service staff did not contact me till Wednesday 19/09/2007 saying QUOTE ""Your shipping information will be updated tomorrow. Please be patient"" On Friday 21/09/2007 i received a email from PAY PAL giving me a shipping number EMS, that never showed up at all!! On Tuesday 25/09/2007 i received a email saying QUOTE ""The item is on the way,please be patient. The tracking will shown within 2 business days. Thanks again for your cooperation. '' THEN a couple of hours later this email ""Please be patient. We are having a holiday here. So the shipping maybe delayed.""" IT STLL DID NOT SHOW UP ON EMS........ I am currently dealing with 3 other companies in China & none of them are on holidays. So you can understand why i am upset !!!! No products & no refund !!!! PLEASE FIX THIS TODAY...... ASAP......
68 reviews