Company Information
Partners Financier does not lend money or fund projects.Our job is to source potential lenders or funders for your request.
Through our contacts we are now able to reach over 600 sources of funding, including financiers for cash flow loans, intellectual property financing, music, T.V. and movie industry funding, software and hardware receivables funding, securitization of contract monies, loans against long term revenue streams or endorsements, maximization of income from online downloads, as well as the regular funding for factories, transportation, green energy, commercial building or industrial projects.
Residential and Resort funding is still very hard to find in the current climate and rigid due diligence will be done by all lenders.
The panel has provided over $5 billion in funding in the last five years.
In order to try to help you to market this to any potential lender or funder, we will need to see a short executive summary, followed by a full business plan with financials and whatever is supposed to be the exit strategy for final repayment.
Any lender is going to want to do their own due diligence, get market reports done by independent professionals and cover their other costs associated with legal and accounting, so there are going to be expenses that need to be paid to the lending party (ies).
We shall be paid upon success, or if there is a default once a loan or funding agreement has been signed.