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PJSC “POLTAVA DIAMOND TOOLSâ€offers 3 product lines of diamond tools for the machine-building, tool and woodworking industries: :�- STANDARD - our main line, diamond and CBN wheels with an excellent price-quality ratio for enterprises requiring long life, high productivity tools and a high quality surface finish. � � � � � � � � � � �
- BASIS - our budget product line, designed for customers for whom tool life is less important and who are looking to minimize cash outlays.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� - PREMIUM - diamond and CBN wheels with newly-developed bonds, designed to replace imported high-performance tools made by leading world manufacturers. �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� �� � �
Diamond cutting wheels for use on concrete, reinforced concrete, granite, marble, ceramics and other materials;
Diamond mounted points;
Diamond hones;
Diamond wheels for processing glass, crystal, and optical lenses;
Diamond dressing sticks;
Superabrasive boron nitride cutters;
Resin-bond CBN wheels�
Diamond cutters;
PCD wire-drawing dies;
Diamond pastes for polishing metals, alloys, and non-metal materials;
Electroplated diamond tools (drills, files, lapping tools,�mounted points, needles).