Company Information
A Passionate Film Maker, Actor, and Screenwriter Prassanna Kothari is by Qualification a Chartered Accountant, born in India, is the xxxxx of Prassanna Kothari Films Pvt.Ltd., a renowned company of Bollywood.“My strength as a filmmaker lies in my beliefs and convictions, and not in the ‘communis opinio’ of too many people. Filmmaking for me is a combination of my personal vision with what I think the audience wants to see. Finally, I only provide the cornerstones, the audience has to put the story together, reinvent it according to their moods and feelings. But I do not deny I have a basic instinct to disturb.â€
Prassanna Kothari Films Pvt.Ltd. was established in 2004 and has now grown into one of the most leading feature film production companies of India. Our company consists of three categorized activities; Production, Dubbing of International and Indian Regional films, and Film Sales and Marketing. We also support buyers, festivals, critics, and film investors to easily find out more diverse, updated and high quality films to serve their purposes.
Now, based on its hands-on experience in film business, Prassanna Kothari Films Pvt.Ltd. is expanding its arena to co-financing, acquisition, and co-production. Our company highly values working with young enthusiastic people and considers new talent of importance.
We stress the importance of foresight and diversity and
we view the future for the local and international film industry in our region with confidence.