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Pro-Touch USA Headquarters
Company Information
Pro-Touch USA is a small family business having�Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office�(USPTO)�and physically located in Florida, United States.�We have been in the Auto Detailing industry for over 20 years and personally invented 2 new Detailing Products out of which Vinyl Magic� is�the best on the market to restore/polish your car's faded plastic trim, also usable in vehicle's bumpers,�door handles, and�side panels. Vinyl Magic is a registered trademark of ProTouch USA™ and�it�works on all vehicles, cars, trucks, SUV’s, especially any vehicle with black vinyl cladding on the exterior surfaces.Our product is only for interior and exterior coating of vehicles (cars, trucks boats).�Using it must ensure to�increase your car or truck's�resell value by bringing back the deep rich color of your exterior trim.�We are now looking for partners who can work with us to drop-ship and distribute Vinyl Magic and�Scratched�medic Worldwide.