Company Information
Red Sun Bowling Equipment Specially provide the Brunswick and AMF bowling equipment to all over the world.We locate Beijing of china. We are the largest Brunswick bowling equipment supplier in china. In our store house have more than 300 sets complete Brunswick bowling equipment. (Brunswick GS 98, GSX pinsetter).
Brunswick Bowling Equipment is originally made in America.
Brunswick bowling equipments have not only stable mechanical capacity , but they are also the most popular bowling equipment in the world. Among all the bowling equipment brands, Brunswick's failure rate is the lowest. When the equipment has any problem, Brunswick scoring system will show you which parts having problem and guides debug the problem. This function makes the equipment easy to maintain. We specially provide refurbished Brunswick bowling equipment and provide full service around the world. We are the largest Brunswick Bowling Equipment supplier in China, as we have more than 300 sets of complete Brunswick bowling equipment in stock.Moreover, our engineers have rich experience in Brunswick Series bowling equipment, some of whom have even more than 15 years experience in Brunswick bowling field, which will ensure us provide reliable service for your bowling center.
With original accessories replacing wear spare parts, all the Brunswick bowling equipments perform same with new ones after refurbishment.There are lots of Brunswick bowling centers in China, but the bowling sports is not as popular as 5 years before. Therefore, some bowling centers close and sell these bowling equipment, which are still in 70% or 80% new status. These Brunsiwck bowling equipment were only used around 5 years, some of which were even only used 2 or 3 years. However, Brunswick series bowling equipment operation life is about 40 to 50 years, thus these Brunswick bowling equipments' condition are very good. We have exported refurbished brunswick bowling equipments to more than 20 countries and regions; We sell more than 100 sets of bowling equipment in China and oversea market each year. We send rich experience engineers to test and install bowling equipment for customers all around the world.