Company Information
We are SHANDONG HONGTAI RUBBER INDUSTRY CO.,LTD based in , China. We are member of since March, 2013. Our business is related to Rubber & Plastics industry and we specifically deal in eva 1802. Please find our product details below:
We have enough SBR in stock now. We can offer you SBR1502, sbr1500, SBR1712 for Sinopec Qilu brand and Jilin petrochemical brand. The product have both primium grade and off grade.
We have enough SBR in stock now. We can offer you SBR1502, sbr1500, SBR1712 for Sinopec Qilu brand and Jilin petrochemical brand. The product have both primium grade and off grade.
Thank you for taking time to go through our business profile. If there are any questions, inquiries or comments, please feel free to contact us.