Company Information
Providing Quality Products AnywhereSharody Traders is one of the leading integrated trade firm, with subsidiaries that conduct business worldwide. Our success is driven by our people and their unrelenting focus on delivering results the right way—by operating responsibly, executing with excellence, applying innovative technologies and capturing new opportunities for profitable growth. We are involved in virtually every facet of the trade industry. We explore the filed of product sourcing , service and logistics ; refine, market and distribute products and services ; manufacture and sell various products; generate innovative products and provide best in service in industry; provide efficient logistics solutions; and develop the better product sourcing techniques , including better packing technologies .
Company Roots
With a ample start as marketing agency in 2011 for local market , then developed into a mature firm adopting international standards for operation .And seeing the huge potential in product sourcing for reduction in the cost of products , the firm started a research center concentrating techniques to increase product quality & decrease product cost and transportation time .
Global Scope
Our diverse and highly skilled workforce constantly develop technique to reduce product cost.
Technology and Emerging Energy
Technology is propelling our growth. We're focusing on technologies that improve our chances of finding, developing and producing better products at lower cost.
We also are investing in the development of emerging technologies, such as finding better ways to make zero carbon product , integrating advanced solar technology into our operations and expanding our renewable energy resources.
Environment and Safety
As a company and as individuals, we take great pride in contributing to the communities where we live and work.
We also care about the environment and are proud of the many ways in which our employees work to safeguard it.
Our persistent efforts to improve on our safe work environment continue to pay off. In 2011, Sharody Traders achieved our safest year ever, setting new safety records in the days-away-from-work performance in both Upstream and Downstream operations.
Our Work
We recognize that the world needs all the products we can develop, in every potential form. That's why our employees work daily to find newer, cleaner ways develop product.