Company Information
We are Sib-KA based in istanbul , Turkey. We are member of since October, 2009. Our business is related to Minerals & Metallurgy industry and we specifically deal in diamond gold rough diamond dust bullion. Please find our product details below:
Sell of gold bars
�u an elimde kapasitesi aylık 2.000 kg ya kadar Ghanadan veya Burkina Faso dan altın getirebiliyorum.
Kilosu 16.000 ile 17.000 arası
olucak �ekilde
ilgilenirseniz sevinirim
Sell gold bars bullion
��u an da T�¼rkyeyle i�� yapmak isteyen ve alt�±n satmak isteyen Ganada ve Burkina Fasodan insanlar var
Kilosu �§ok ucuz 22 ayar
SKype: onat kalkan
mail. *****
Thank you for taking the time to go through our business profile. If there are any question, inquiry or comments, please feel free to contact us.